Find an Online Course - Results
{{planOpen && planOpenMessage || planClosedMessage}} ({{planCount}})
You do not have any planned courses. To create your course plan, search for a course you'd be interested in attending, and click "Add to Plan".
To begin the application process, select 1-{{maximumCourses}} courses at the same institution and academic term by clicking the box before the applicable course(s).
If necessary, scroll down to click the "Begin Application" button.
If necessary, scroll down to click the "Begin Application" button.
{{(yearItems | first).academicTermDisplay}}
{{cartItem.courseDept}} {{cartItem.courseNo}} - {{cartItem.courseTitle}}
- {{meeting.StartDateDisplay}} - {{meeting.EndDateDisplay}}, {{meeting.DaysOfWeekDisplay}}: {{meeting.StartTimeDisplay}} - {{meeting.EndTimeDisplay}}
Conflicts with another course on your plan.
Begin Application
Any hidden course will not appear on the calendar.
Any course without schedule information will not appear on the calendar.
Do you want to save your searches and plan for future sessions? Log into your participating FloridaShines institution account.