5800 Bay Shore Rd
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 487-5000
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At a Glance

New College of Florida is a national leader in the arts and sciences and is the State of Florida’s designated honors college for the liberal arts. Consistently ranked among the top public liberal arts colleges in America by U.S. News & World Report, Forbes and The Princeton Review, New College attracts highly motivated, academically talented students from 38 states and 23 foreign countries. A higher proportion of New College students receive Fulbright awards than graduates from virtually all other colleges and universities.

New College of Florida (NCF) is a Public institution located in the Central-West region of Florida. NCF has Regional Accreditation .

The main campus in Sarasota, FL has a Suburban feeling. 74% of students take advantage of the On-Campus Housing.

New College of Florida offers programs that lead to the following types of degrees:

  • Bachelor's (4 yr.)
  • Graduate Degree
Highest Enrollment Programs
  • Psychology
  • Environmental Studies
  • Marine Biology
  • Economics
  • Computer Science
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Student Body (as of Fall 2021)

Students represent 38 states & 12 countries. All students take a research course & write a Thesis before graduation. Over 75 student clubs and organizations. Student government is open to all students
Enrollment Status
Enrollment Status
Enrollment Type Number of Students
Full Time 642
Part Time 17

Full-time students outnumber part-time students (37.76:1) at New College of Florida .

Ethnicity Percentage of Students
American Indian/Alaska Native 0.00
Asian 4.10
Black/African American 4.40
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.00
Hispanic/Latino 17.60
White/Caucasian 63.60
Other/Unknown 10.30

The most common ethnicity is White/Caucasian (63.6%) followed by Hispanic/Latino (17.6%.)

Gender Percentage of Students
Female 67.00
Male 33.00

At 67%, female students outnumber male students by a very significant margin. Percentages are based on "as reported" values.

Additional Information

Students represent 38 states and 12 countries. 100% of students participate in a research course and write a thesis (or complete a senior capstone project) before graduation. 79% of students live on-campus in residence halls. NCF has more than 75 student clubs and organizations. Our student government is open to all students, meaning that each student can cast a vote.

Enrollment Stats
Total Students: 659
Undergraduate Students: 632
Graduate Students: 27
Average Student Age: 20
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Costs and Financial Aid (as of Fall 2022)

Nearly all admitted students offered scholarships. Students urged to meet NCF's FAFSA priority deadline for aid. NCF regularly featured in national rankings for academic strength and affordability.
Credit Hours
for Full-Time
In-State Tuition
per Credit Hour
Out-Of-State Tuition
per Credit Hour
Bright Futures
Additional Information

At New College, nearly 100% of admitted students are offered scholarship funding (in addition to any Florida Bright Futures funding they may already have earned for their work in high school). We urge students with financial need to meet NCF's FAFSA priority deadline for maximum need-based aid eligibility: Nov. 1 for admitted students. New College is regularly featured in national rankings of colleges for academic strength and affordable cost. For more on coverage by Fiske Guide to Colleges, The Princeton Review, USA Today, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance and Forbes, go to https://www.ncf.edu/about/campus-profile-statistics/.


Students who complete an application and the FAFSA by November 1 will be eligible for maximum consideration for need-based financial aid.

Estimated Full-Time Costs
Estimated Full-Time Costs
Category Cost
Full-Time Tuition 6916.00
Books and Supplies 1200.00
Housing Costs 6602.00

The total estimated full time costs of $14,718.00 consists of $6,916.00 for Tuition, $1,200.00 for Books and Supplies, and $6,602.00 for Housing.

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Admissions (as of Fall 2022)

Holistic approach, allowing us to select candidates we believe will thrive at New College. Most important is course selection. We are looking for students that have taken a challenging curriculum.
Freshman Applicants
Application Fee
Tuition Deposit
Average GPA
for Merit Scholarship
Admissions Policy
New College of Florida follows a Competitive Admissions policy. Acceptance depends on the number and qualifications of those who apply for admission for a given term.
Additional Information

The Admissions Committee utilizes a holistic application review, allowing us to get to know the entire student and select candidates that we believe will thrive and benefit from a New College education. The most important factor is course selection. We are looking for students that have taken the most challenging curriculum available to them.  We then look at the weighted academic GPA for the students’ core courses, and class rank, if available. Since New College is very writing-intensive, we strongly emphasize the essays students submit in their Common Application. Next, the Admissions Committee looks at test scores. A recommendation from a teacher or guidance counselor is also considered, in addition to activities outside of the classroom. The Admissions Committee may also consider demonstrated interest as an application factor. While there are no minimum GPA and test score requirements, the middle 50% for Fall 2021 freshmen SAT 1110-1328 and ACT 24-30.

Average Test Scores
ACT Score: 26
SAT Score: 1,225
Average GPAs
High School: 3.91
For Merit Scholarship: N/A
Additional Deadlines Information

Spring 2023 admission deadline is December 1. (However, the spring class admission is only available to transfer students.)

  •         Fall 2023 priority admission and financial aid deadline is November 1--after that, rolling admission until April 15. Scholarship and financial aid deadline is April 15.
  •         Admissions deadlines for 2023-24:

November 1 is our priority application and financial aid deadline. Students will receive decisions by April 1. Students who complete an application and the FAFSA by November 1 will be eligible for maximum consideration for need based financial aid. We will continue to accept applications through April 15. Students will receive decisions on a rolling basis. May 1 is enrollment deposit due date (national common reply deadline).

* Note: New College of Florida follows a Rolling Admissions policy.
Admissions URL
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Main Campus
5800 Bay Shore Rd
Sarasota, FL  34243
(941) 487-5000
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Campus Life (as of Fall 2021)

Popular student organizations work for equality, social justice, mental health, and diversity education. Students are supportive of one another’s passions, attending student performances and events.
Greek Academic Organizations
Greek Fraternities
Greek Sororities
Social Fraternities
Social Sororities
Academic Honor Societies
Professional Associations
Marching Band
Special Interest Clubs / Organizations
Symphony Orchestra
Student Government Association
On-Campus Housing Options
Female Only
Male Only
New College of Florida offers Co-Ed housing but not Female Only or Male Only housing. 74.00% of students live on campus.
On-Campus Services
Fitness Services
Child Care Services
Medical Services
New College of Florida offers Fitness, Child Care, and Medical services.
Additional Information

NCF has more than 75 student organizations, with the most popular being student groups that are geared toward equality, social justice, mental health and diversity education. Health and wellness focus is popular. Sailing is one of the few organized competitive sports teams, but is has been very successful. Other recreational and sports activities are popular, such as flag football, basketball, yoga and Quidditch. Our cafeteria offers traditional food options, including vegetarian and vegan options, for every meal. Students are incredibly supportive of each other’s passions, attending dance and theatre performances, art openings, poetry readings and events.

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NCF's sailing team competed nationally. We also have a thriving club sports program that competes with other schools in the Cross College Alliance, in community leagues, and in campus intramurals.
Intercollegiate Sports
Sport Men's Team Women's Team
Scholarships Available
Intramural Sports
Archery, Basketball, Cricket, Dance, Fencing, Golf, Martial Arts, Quidditch, Racquetball, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Ultimate Frisbee, Wrestling
Additional Information

NCF's sailing team competed in nationals in 2014, and won the New Orleans All-State Sugar Bowl in 2015. We also have a thriving club sports program that competes with other area schools in the Cross College Alliance, in community leagues, and in campus intramurals. Sports include soccer, flag football, sand volleyball, tennis, basketball, softball, swimming and golf.

Team Identity
“Null Set”
New College of Florida competes as part of the following organizations:
  • Intercollegiate Sailing Association
  • South Atlantic District
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Returning Students (as of Fall 2022)

Mini-classes before the semester are short versions of each class to aid in course selection. All students can participate in some orientation events to help introduce new and returning students.
Additional Information
NCF offers mini-classes before the start of each semester. Professors offer a short version of every class being offered so that students can attend different sessions in order to aid in the selection of courses. Each student works with closely with an adviser to choose classes for each semester. All students are allowed to participate in some of the first-year student orientation events to help introduce new and returning students.
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Contact Directory

Accelerated Options

General Contact Information
 (941) 487-5000


Admissions & Aid
 (941) 487-5000


Campus Recreation
 (941) 487-4218

Career Center / Services

Career Engagement & Opportunity
 (941) 487-5002

Disability/Special Needs

Advocacy and Accessible Learning Center
 (941) 487-4496

Fees & Payments

Tuition & Fees Information
 (941) 487-4625

Financial Aid

Financial Aid
 (941) 487-5000

Honors Program Admission Info

General Contact Information
 (941) 487-5000


Housing & Residential Life
 (941) 487-4259

Library Services

Jane Bancroft Cook Library
 (941) 487-4305


 (941) 487-4513


Office of the Registrar
 (941) 487-4230


Financial Aid
 (941) 487-5000

Student Services

Student Affairs
 (941) 487-4259

Transfer Student Information

 (941) 487-5000

Visitor Information

 (941) 487-5000